One of the best things I’ve gotten out of working on my apple teacher certification is seeing how my students flourish when they see that the work I am asking them to do is about more than just reading (boring for a lot of them) and responding (“but I’m not a good writer!” ) although they may think that the fact that I love creative projects is “just who Ms. M is” - most of them come to realize that by giving them a choice in how they can demonstrate their learning is me learning who they are and what makes them uniquely, them. Some of my students could write a short novel. Some of them are incredibly talented artists. Some of them will not pay attention to anything but the video games on their phone - and every single one of them can win in social emotional ways - knowing their value, learning what gifts and strengths they have that might lead to a future career, finding out that they CAN do it when they have failed so many times before and seeing the boost in their attitude or response when they know someone else believes in them and suddenly they believe in themselves too. Creativity in learning whether using art, video, ChatGPT or any other app or creative outlet is about so much more than just a grade or academics!
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Creativity in Learning is about more than just academics
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July 12, 2023
Wise words. I have seen it too over the years, students who shine when encouraged to follow their own paths and passions.
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