Inference is a critical skill for students to develop as they grow as readers. See how Chris helped his third-graders hone their ability to infer ideas by creating silhouette portraits of a literary character, filled with their own words.
Students first examined the words, thoughts, and actions of India Opal Buloni from Kate DiCamillo’s Because Of Winn-Dixie. Then, using Apple Pencil in Notes, they jotted down adjectives they thought would best describe her.
They then transformed these adjectives into expressive word art. Learn about creating word art in Chapter 1 of the Everyone Can Create Drawing guide.
Next, they created silhouette portraits of India Opal Buloni based on a photo provided by their teacher. Learn about creating silhouette portraits in Chapter 2 of the Everyone Can Create Photo guide.
Then they placed their word art into the silhouette portrait, creating a unique visual summary of what they had independently inferred about the novel’s protagonist.
By creating an open-minded classroom environment where I guide the kids with tips and tricks, then let them go off and explore on their own, I’ve found that it allows them to take risks and think of multiple ways to do something. Oftentimes, what they come back with is way beyond my expectations.