Challenge Based Learning
Challenge Based Learning
Challenge Based Learning, or CBL, is a framework created by Apple to leverage technology in meaningful ways and make learning relevant. By design, CBL is a flexible framework that empowers learners to co-own and co-author learning experiences. CBL provides a simple way for anyone to address personal, community, and global challenges while acquiring content knowledge in areas such as literacy, math, science, technology, and the arts.
These resources are designed as a “quick start” for anyone looking to bring CBL into their learning environment. For each phase of the CBL Framework, there are definitions, tips for getting started, and activities to help guide the process.
Explore this collection of videos and educator resources to help you learn — and lead — each phase of the CBL process.
These resources are designed as a “quick start” for anyone looking to bring CBL into their learning environment. For each phase of the CBL Framework, there are definitions, tips for getting started, and activities to help guide the process.
Explore this collection of videos and educator resources to help you learn — and lead — each phase of the CBL process.
Take action and make a difference.
Discover ways to implement the Challenge Based Learning Framework in your learning environment. Get started with the Framework Overview video. Then watch each video in order, as the content builds on the previous videos. Once you’ve explored the full series, you can return to these resources anytime for use in your classroom and beyond.