
Earning Swift Playgrounds Badges

Earning Swift Playgrounds Badges

Build your coding skills and earn Swift Playgrounds badges. Swift Playgrounds is a free app for iPad and Mac that takes learners from their first line of code to their first app. Its engaging tutorials demonstrate the core concepts of coding and app development, making it easy to teach and learn.

Become a member.

Sign up for a free Apple Education Community membership. Then become a recognised Apple Teacher. After you earn your Apple Teacher recognition, you can begin earning badges and recognition for your knowledge of Swift Playgrounds.

Explore Swift Playgrounds resources.

Learn how to bring coding and app development activities to your students with Swift Playgrounds and Everyone Can Code resources.

Teaching Code with Swift Playgrounds

Take the quizzes and earn your badges.

Tap the icons to explore more resources for Swift Playgrounds, SwiftUI and ideas for creating apps with your students. Then take the quizzes and earn Swift Playgrounds badges.

Swift Playgrounds
Swift UI
Teaching Swift