
Become a Member

Find your community in the Apple Education Community.

The Apple Education Community is made up of a worldwide network of educators who are dedicated to creating meaningful, engaging learning experiences with Apple technology. Apple Teachers are at the heart of the Community, and when you become a member, you’ll get access to the Apple Teacher professional learning program — and all of its benefits. Learn more below, then sign up to get started.

Enjoy the benefits.

From guided tutorials, lesson ideas, and downloadable templates in the Learning Center to stories, discussions, and resources in the Forum, the Community offers hundreds of great tools to support your professional development. And members get access to even more resources and rewards.

Inspire your inbox.

Sign up to receive exclusive Apple Education emails and stay up‑to‑date on what’s new. You’ll get inspiring stories, practical tips, and fresh ideas to help you integrate Apple products and apps into the lessons you teach every day.

Get rewarded.

Earn badges and get official recognition from Apple — including a certificate and signature logo — through the Apple Teacher program. Available in 17 languages, the program helps you build skills in the Learning Center. You may also be eligible to earn professional learning credits from your school.

Create connections.

Join virtual and live events, like Apple Teacher Meetups, to collaborate, take hands-on workshops, and share inspiration with fellow educators.

Sign up now.

Begin your professional learning journey with Apple. You’ll enjoy free, unlimited access to an ever‑growing collection of resources designed to help you build new skills, earn rewards, and enhance the lessons you teach every day.

Sign up

Spread the word.

The real power of Apple Teacher comes when the whole school community joins in. Share this link and encourage other educators to sign up: apple.co/appleteachersignup