The application for Apple Learning Coach includes the following:
Verification of Apple Teacher recognition
Apple Teacher recognition is required to ensure that all Apple Learning Coach candidates have learnt foundational skills on iPad or Mac. Accepted applicants take these foundations further during the Apple Learning Coach course.
Capacity to coach
Applicants are required to describe their capacity to coach in the application. “Capacity to coach” means the applicant’s role will allow them to coach at least one primary or secondary educator in a school or local authority. The programme defines coaching as partnering with teachers to analyse their teaching, set goals, identify strategies to reach the goals, and provide support until the goals are met.
The programme is designed specifically for educators who coach, so a condition of admission to the programme is that applicants must be able to coach at least one primary or secondary educator upon completion of the course. The course content assumes that all Apple Learning Coaches work within a school or local authority.
Written approval from school, local authority or organisation leadership
All applicants are required to obtain approval from their school, local authority or organisation leadership to participate in the programme.
To begin the ethics approval process, applicants will be asked to provide contact information for their leadership in the application.