
Apply to Apple Distinguished Educator

Become an Apple Distinguished Educator.

For more than 25 years, the Apple Distinguished Educator (ADE) program has recognized educators from around the world using Apple technology to transform teaching and learning. As pioneers in education, Apple Distinguished Educators are advisors, authors, ambassadors, and advocates looking to change the world. They’re active leaders helping other educators rethink what’s possible with iPad and Mac to make learning deeply personal for every student.

The call for new educators to join this community of innovators happens every few years. If you’re interested in applying for the Apple Distinguished Educator program, learn about the process below and begin preparing for the next application period.

Plan your application video.

Innovative educators have amazing stories of how they transform learning — impacting the lives of their students and peers for the good. Your application video will bring your professional story to life. Your two‑minute video should capture the three themes below:

  1. Transforming Your Learning Environment

    Share how you’ve transformed your learning environment to engage learners. How have Apple products uniquely helped you achieve your learning goals?

  2. Evidence of Your Success

    Share data or new learnings that provide evidence of the impact you’re making. Highlight examples of student work or innovative strategies.

  3. Extending Your Reach

    How have you extended the reach of your professional work beyond your own classroom, campus, or community to empower other educators? Are there presentations, published content, or interactions in social media that show your leadership among your peers?

Video submission criteria:

Your application video can be as simple or elaborate as you want — we’ll leave the creativity up to you — and should be created using an iPhone, iPad, and/or Mac. Include imagery of yourself demonstrating the themes mentioned above, and narrate your story while avoiding “talking head” footage. Only use images, music, artwork, etc. that you have permission to share, and avoid copyright‑protected content.

Your video should be no longer than two minutes, including any introductions or closing credits. Application videos that are more than two minutes will be rejected. Video files should be less than 200 MB. Acceptable video formats include: .mov, .mp4, or .m4v.

Details on other submission requirements will be made available when the application period is open.

Become a recognized Apple Teacher.

Apple Distinguished Educator applicants must first earn their Apple Teacher recognition.(See footnote.) Apple Teacher is a professional learning program designed to support educators as they build foundational skills on iPad and Mac, and use Apple apps to enhance their learning environments. After passing six interactive quizzes, on either iPad or Mac, you’ll earn your Apple Teacher recognition.

Begin your Apple Teacher Journey today

A portfolio is a great way to curate and showcase your body of work as you integrate creativity into the lessons you teach every day. You’ll have the option to share your Apple Teacher Portfolio* with your ADE application submission.

Apple Teacher Portfolio

Footnote: Provided the Apple Teacher program is available in your country or region and language of fluency.

Plan to attend ADE Institute.

Once accepted into the Apple Distinguished Educator program, new members are required to attend the in‑person ADE Institute event for their region. This onboarding experience provides a program orientation and professional learning opportunities with other Apple Distinguished Educators. Dates, location, and further details will be made available when the application period is open.

Find your country or region.

Confirm that the Apple Distinguished Educator program is available in your area. Current participating countries and regions include: