As a teacher to pre-service educators, Ua-aree is passionate about helping early childhood teachers leverage technology to shape a curious, scientific mind in young learners. See how she used slow‑motion video to help young learners observe how different liquids behave differently in water.
Ua‑aree prepared two transparent containers of water, as well as small amounts of food coloring and cooking oil. Using the built‑in camera on iPad, students recorded food coloring being poured into a container of water in slow motion.
Next, they recorded cooking oil being poured into another container of water in slow motion.
Then they assembled the two recordings into one video in iMovie. Learn how in Chapter 3 of the Everyone Can Create Video guide.
Next, they added titles to each video. Learn how in Chapter 5 of the Everyone Can Create Video guide.
Then they added transitions in between the videos. Learn how in Chapter 5 of the Everyone Can Create Video guide.
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Finally, students presented their videos to the class and discussed why the additive liquids behaved differently.
There is no minimum age when it comes to learning with technology. By incorporating creativity with technology, young learners can foster their earliest joys for lifelong learning.