
Supporting Well-Being in Education

Insights for Leaders

Supporting Well‑Being in Education

Well‑being is a critical issue in schools today, exacerbated by the COVID‑19 pandemic. Students need the right tools to arrive at school socially, physically and emotionally ready to learn. In this issue of Insights for Leaders, Apple spoke with two education leaders about how they’re creating cultures of well‑being at their schools and using technology to support their initiatives.

Primary and Secondary Education Interview

Kids can’t focus on learning if they’re feeling anxious or worried.

Learn how Susannah Fowler, principal at The Gardens School of Auckland, New Zealand, responded to a student crisis of well‑being by putting a team in place and creating a unique space dedicated to wellness at the core of the school.

Higher Education Interview

Well‑being is essential to thriving in an academic environment.

Marie Marino, Dean of the Thomas Jefferson College of Nursing in Pennsylvania, United States, explores the importance of technology that can connect students and staff to well‑being resources, especially for those in the medical profession.

Tools and Resources
to Support Well‑Being

Find apps designed to support student well‑being.

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Make time for yourself with Mindful Minute.

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