For many students, history can seem far removed from their everyday reality. Discover how Helmi transported his students, who are pre-service teachers, back in time by letting them relive the historical drama of the founding of Malacca through Memoji and augmented reality in their teaching and learning.*
Helmi first instructed students to plan the making of their animated documentary on Freeform. Learn about storyboarding in Chapter 3 of the Everyone Can Create Video guide.
Next, he asked students to create the main character through a Memoji in their own likeness.
Students then used their Memoji to film the main character’s dialogue against a green screen in Clips. Learn how in Chapter 7 of the Everyone Can Create Video guide.
Next, Helmi provided 3D images for students to recreate the backdrop of this historical account in Reality Composer.
Finally, he asked them to merge the AR environment and their Memoji from Clips in iMovie and export it as a finished film. Learn how to create documentaries in Chapter 5 of the Everyone Can Create Video guide.
Digital tools aren’t just great for creating immersive content. They are perfect for inspiring a student’s imagination, sharpening their intellectual abilities, and cultivating their love for self-directed learning.