
Photograph Textures

Make Photo Text Art

Photograph Textures

Take photos of textures from your environment. Look for different colours, patterns, lines, contrast, depth and materials.

Estimated time to complete this tutorial:

15 mins

Step 1

Take a walk — outside or inside — and look for interesting textures around you.

  • English
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Look for lots of different textures, like fabric, paper, wood, metal, water, concrete and painted walls.

Step 2

Open Camera.

Step 3

Tap Live Photos to turn it off.

Step 4

Zoom in. Step closer or move your iPad as close as you can to frame your subject. If the picture looks blurry, move your iPad back a bit.

Step 5

Adjust the focus and exposure by tapping where you want to move the focus area.

Step 6

Next to the focus area, drag the Adjust Exposure button up or down to adjust brightness if needed.

Step 7

Tap the Shutter button.


Crop your image if you want to focus on a certain area.