
Share Your Movie

Create Green‑Screen Effects

Share Your Movie

Share your movie with someone for feedback, or save it in your library to use later.

Estimated time to complete this tutorial:

5 mins

Save your video.

Before sharing your movie with others, save a copy for yourself.

Step 1

From the iMovie Projects screen, tap your project from the previous tutorial.

Step 2

Tap Share.

Step 3

To customize the resolution of your movie, tap Options.


A higher resolution will create a file that’s great for viewing on a Mac or TV but might be too large to email. A lower resolution will allow the file to upload to the web faster.

Step 4

Select the resolution you want, then tap Back.

Step 5

Tap Save Video.

Your movie is saved to your library.

Share your movie to a nearby device.

Send someone your movie directly from iMovie using AirDrop.

Step 1

In the project details screen, tap Share.

Step 2

Tap AirDrop, then choose the person you want to send your movie to.

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