Do any of you have curriculum snippets focusing on the development of eBooks in the classroom? I teach at the university level but I am interested in all grade levels... as I think this modality is omni-important... oh and fun to boot!
Brilliant... and thank you. But - and I could be reading hte material wrong - it does not really answer the question I posed. How do we move the curriculum/lesson plans from 5th grade to 6th grade... then onto middle school and then on to high school? Yes... yes... I know there is only so much that is in Pages... but I am talking about structure, non-linear vs. linear thinking, basic storytelling, and the use of graphics and pictures.
And I am not talking about whether a student should be using this graphic or that graphic... how is this [and other sub-eBook areas] introduced, etc?
OK... getting off my soap box. Pages [and previously iBooks Author] is a fantastic tool... that can aid lots of other subject areas through the K-12 continuum... and then of course transitioning into college.
August 31, 2022
The book Creating Digital Books on Mac and iPad is just what you are looking for! I particularly think that chapters 6 (Adding navigation and links) and 7 (Designing for accessibility) are often overlooked aspects of publishing that are imperative for making digital content accessible for all audiences. Which lessons would be a good fit for your learners?
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