Kudos looks like a great platform for what I'm looking to use, but it is costly. What is currently being used for staff shout outs and could be used digitally?
Where are you thinking of posting these? My advice would be try to use something you already have, as if you get a new platform, will people look?
October 17, 2022
Thanks for creating a culture that celebrates each other! 🎉 I look forward to seeing others’ responses. I’ve heard of some iPad campuses using iCloud + Forms in Numbers to collect shoutouts from staff and students alike. Then, they can be included in morning announcements, at staff meetings, or even as a part of a student-driven podcast or video broadcast. There are many possibilities! If you’d like a thought partner for how to use Apple tools to accomplish this, you could request a 30-minute one-on-one with an Apple Professional Learning Specialist: https://apple.co/askapl
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