Hi! I'm leading a workshop on how to digitally curate information for both teachers and for students - but many of the tools I normally use (Wakelet, eLink, Wix) are not available to students because of SOPPA restrictions. Does anyone teach curation skills using an Apple app? Thank you!
Cheryl shared some good options in her response! I also like Numbers for curating information because the tabs can be used to organize content, and you can embed anything in a Numbers doc. Simply delete the table, and you have a blank canvas to add any kind of content you want.
Another option might be Notability. It isn't an Apple-specific app, so it may not work for your purposes, but it's a great annotation and digital notebook tool, that I find really useful!
November 15, 2022
Personally I use Notes for curation. I haven’t used them with students as I’m not in the classroom. But I do a lot of collection of various media from the web, from Keynote and Pages. Students can annotate and draw on Notes, they can be folderized and shared, they can be collaborative.
Another option might be a Portfolio in Pages. See Apple Teacher Portfolios. ADE Rachel Davis has shared that her teachers have students create portfolios of their work for parent/teacher conferences. Here is the link to her post in this Community: Student Led Parent/Teacher Conferences with Apple Teacher Portfolio
Hope this helps! Let us know what you decide on.
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