Apple Classroom - requires authorisation each lesson

Hi all,

We're having a problem at school where suddenly (I think since iOS 16.1) apple classroom is showing all students as offline. I can 'call' them - and then it asks them for permission for me to view their screen etc, but if they reject or ignore the notification then of course it doesn't work. This would be fine if I had to do it once, but I have to do it every lesson.

My school IT team tell me this is a new security 'feature' from apple (about privacy) but it's making apple classroom basically unusable and given that I can't seem to find anyone else online complaining I'm not sure they are totally correct!

In case it's relevant - my school uses Microsoft Teams - I think apple classroom syncs the class lists from there (since our apple logins redirect to the office365 login page).

Any pointers/suggestions, or just knowing other people are having the same issues would be great!



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