I have established a Swift Coding Club at my school. The members are from 3rd to 5th grade. We are using the everyone can code curriculum and iPads. The club members are having a great time and it reminds me why I love teaching. I have a couple of student already asking about coming back next year. I was thinking of starting a more advanced coding club then using the exploration and foundations books as well as MacBooks and Xcode. How are those books for learning to code if you’ve gone through the basics?
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Swift Coding in School
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November 14, 2023
Hey Jeremy, this is awesome to hear that you're having success with the Everyone Can Code books and Swift Playgrounds. As students get more advanced with understanding Swift, the Develop in Swift Explorations book would be a logical next step, as this book dives into Computer Science concepts, and the curriculum is pretty self paced. There's even a Canvas course for teachers with great videos and teaching tips that will help get started: apple.co/developinswiftpl
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