Create a Better World Through Environmental Justice — Challenge for Change Learning Series

Environmental justice impacts millions of people around the world.How will you make sure that everyone in your community has access to a healthy environment to live, learn, and work in? 

Featuring Dolores Huerta, founder of the Dolores Huerta Foundation, social justice advocate, and recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom for her civil rights work and leadership in the labor movement

Creating a better world through environmental justice is a great way to ensure that Indigenous populations, people of color, and those living in poverty aren’t disproportionately impacted by environmental issues.

Join the challenge.

To begin the journey of making lasting social change, we’ve created this guide so you can use the power of storytelling to create change and make our world a better place.


Download the free discussion guide and workbook as well as the new resource 30 Creative Activities to Help the Environment in the Learning Center. As you take on the third challenge in this series, Create a Better World through Environmental Justice, connect with others and share your ideas and reflections in the comment area below.


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