Apple and the Iditarod

How do you enhance student learning of the Iditarod with Apple products?

The Iditarod is a dogsled race held in Alaska each year. The race starts in Anchorage on the first Saturday in March, and teams travel over 1,000 miles of treachorous Alaskan wilderness on the way to the finish line in Nome.

This is by far my students' favorite unit every year. We are a 1:1 iPad school, so I'm wondering how to better incorporate student iPads into student learning.

Currently, this is what I'm already doing: (feel free to borrow any of these ideas)

  • Reading an Iditarod book in the Books app
  • Students complete a daily race notebook using the Keynote app
  • Students create a musher poster using the Pages app
  • Using the Maps app to better understand how Alaska is similar and different to where we live

What I dream of doing in the future: (Please chime in if you're already doing this)

  • Creating a daily race recap update using the Garageband app
  • Creating a daily race recap or weather report using the iMovie app
  • Tracking musher data using the Numbers app and creating graphs and charts from the data that was gathered
  • Using Keynote to create a checkpoint presentation

I'm hoping to find and collaborate with like-minded individuals who incorporate the Iditarod into student learning. Please reach out if you are one of these people!

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