How do you prepare for the future?
Promote on-going conversations about technology in the classroom to celebrate school, teacher and student success.
How do you prepare for the future?
Group 9 How are you preparing students for the future?
Promote on-going conversations about technology in the classroom to celebrate school, teacher and student success.
A focus for our school would be to continue to build the capacity of more teachers across more learning areas. Getting staff on board has been a challenge, however, by giving teachers back time for the work they’re putting into learning skills on the iPad and integrating these skills into their teaching and learning programs has allowed for a greater uptake. An idea shared in our discussions was requiring one learning area each week during the first 5 mins of a meeting to share something that they have been doing/student samples. I would like to implement something similar to inspire more teachers to get on board.
For our school I think it is the investment in time. Time for the Apple Coaches to work with staff, time for the staff to upskill & create, time for sharing. Being creative with the resources you have.
It is also having the expectations/common goals that link to the direction of the school so that when there is staff turnover, the good work being done can continue (hopefully).
Ideas around how to upskill new and existing staff via the Apple Learning Coach program.
It’s key to have a ‘North Star’ or vision - to drive the direction of technology at the school. This vision will build the culture of the school and the priorities. At our school we have our ‘Core Beliefs’. These are deeply embedded in everything we do - digital and analogue. We also have a strategic plan goal about creating a culture of creativity to keep pushing forward.
To make sure our school continues this journey, we do have a strong focus on teacher capability.
My plan to prepare for the future is to reinvigorate our schools technology PL team, bringing the importance of technology use in the classroom back to the forefront of people’s mind.
I would like to get a group of staff together, either from our previous team or new staff open to taking part, to create a set of core beliefs that we would like teachers to follow in terms of technology use, and introduce this through SLT and to the whole college.
I’d like to provide PL to the team so they we are able to work on keeping the momentum and be sustainable around staff/teacher movement. Does this mean I work with leadership around providing some more beneficial incentives to staff to add and build in buy in? 🤔
Our school has been 1:1 iPads in the Primary school for around 9 years, and this year has moved to 2:1 Apple devices (iPad and MacBook)in the Secondary School, starting with Year 7 and 10 students in 2024. Looking to the future, I would love to celebrate the great work that is being done across both sub-schools with the iPads and MacBooks, and would love to work towards Apple Distinguished School recognition. All teaching staff are Apple Teachers, and we currently have three Apple Learning Coaches. I believe that getting the recognition for the work that staff have already done over the last 9 years to build up the skills of the students and integrate this into the curriculum would help those teachers to recognise just how far they have come on this journey as well as motivation for the future.
#ANZ Summit 24
Thank you to Hayley, Jill, Mel, Olivia, Zoe, Jared, Stephanie and Karl for such an enriching discussion! Feel free to use the forum to continue the discussions we started today :)
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July 08, 2024
Determining what methods and approaches can be used to build staff capacity and motivation to implement technology in the classroom
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