Hi All,
As part of my thesis, I am conducting a qualitative research study titled, “AccessAbility: An exploration of the perspectives of educators who use digital tools to support students’ learning.” The study aims to explore educators’ perspectives about the value of assistive technology, how educators are integrating assistive technology to support exceptional students’ learning and wholistic growth, and the supports and barriers you experience with this integration.
I am seeking participants who are educators within the province of Ontario, teaching in publicly funded schools, who have students with exceptionalities in their learning environments and have been teaching for a minimum of 5 years to take part in this research. Participation would involve a virtual interview.
If you are interested in contributing to this research or would like to learn more about the study, please feel free to contact me (Nancy Kawaja) at x2021haz@stfx.ca. Participation is entirely voluntary, and all responses will remain confidential.
Your insights and experiences would be incredibly valuable and greatly appreciated.
Thank you for considering this opportunity and I look forward to potentially connecting with some of you.
Nancy Kawaja (x2021haz@stfx.ca)
Master of Education (candidate), Faculty of Education,
St. Francis Xavier University
Attach up to 5 files which will be available for other members to download.