Seeking Missouri to Pennsylvania Collaboration for Super Bowl

🏈 ❤️💚 I am an Instructional Technology Facilitator at a high school in Missouri. My principal came to me this morning looking to connect with a school in Pennsylvania for a friendly community impact collaboration to have some fun and make a difference leading up to the Super Bowl. If you work at a high school in Pennsylvania, we would love to connect with you and have a friendly Chiefs Fans vs. Eagles Fans competition.

Our vision is that our students would create a challenge video to send to your students. Your students would make a video accepting the challenge. Each school would host a penny drive during the week leading up to the Super Bowl to raise money for an organization in their community. Throughout the week, there would be challenges to encourage the students to create and share in a positive way.

We know this is quick, but we think it is a great opportunity for our students. If you are interested, you can comment here or email me at

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