Troubleshooting Tab Bar after Swift Playground Update?

Hi all, hoping someone might have an idea how to help with the code for a Tab Bar after the update.

Goal: I'm trying to build a simple app structure where I can switch between my 4 views from the ContentView via a Tab Bar at the bottom of the app.

Issue: Since the update, the .tabItem{} is now being depreciated and SwiftUI is suggesting to use Tab(){}. I can get the .tabViewStyle(.sidebarAdaptable) and .tabViewStyle(.page) for swiping to work, but can't figure out how to show the actual bar at the bottom that allows you to select a tab.

First picture is my current code using the new notation. This works by swiping through the views with gestures.  

Swift Playground code view with preview showing Tab{}
Current TabView code (where the issue lies)
Second picture is what I'm trying to recreate from back in November with the visual tab bar.
SwiftUI code interface from before .tabItem{} was depreciated. Shows the tab bar at bottom.
Past code/app that has the visual tab bar at the bottom that I am trying to replicate.

Any thoughts or suggestions on what to try would be greatly appreciated. Swift File is attached if helpful.



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