Animate with Stop Motion
Export Your GIF
Now you’ll choose some options for your GIF and save it to your photo library.
Estimated time to complete this tutorial:
5 mins
Now you’ll choose some options for your GIF and save it to your photo library.
Estimated time to complete this tutorial:
5 mins
Step 1
Tap the Document Menu.Document Menu .
Step 2
Tap Export.
Step 3
Tap Animated GIF.
Step 4
Choose XL.
Step 5
Tap Slide Range.
Step 6
Scroll to 1 and 8 to include all your slides in the GIF.
Step 7
Tap GIF Options to go back to the main menu.
The total duration of your animation is shown at the bottom.
Step 8
Use the Auto-Advance slider to set the duration of each slide to .2 seconds.
Step 9
Tap Export.
Step 10
Tap Share.
Step 11
Tap Save Image to save the GIF in your photo library.
Use Markup to enhance your animation and add meaning.
Experiment with pixilation and Burst mode to add magic and mystery to your animation.
When taking photos, try moving your iPad instead of the subject to create a different perspective.
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