
Record Your Voice

Record a Podcast

Record Your Voice

Learn how to record your voice, play it back and edit using the Audio Recorder in GarageBand.

Estimated time to complete this tutorial:

10 mins

Prepare to record.

Enhance your voice recording by selecting the right sound preset.

Step 1

Tap Fun.

Step 2

Before you start recording, find the built‑in iPad microphone.

Step 3

The microphone is located on the opposite side of the charging port.

Step 4

Tap OK.

Step 5

Tap Studio.

Step 6

Tap the Clean microphone in the middle of the screen.

Step 7

Tap Vocals.

Step 8

Scroll through the list of presets and look for Narrator.

Step 9

Tap Narrator.

Step 10

Tap Done.

Set your input level.

Adjust your input or recording levels before starting a project to ensure that your voice, instrument or other recordings sound their best.

Step 1

Before you set your levels, find a quiet space.

Step 2

Place the iPad microphone close to your mouth and practise speaking in a natural voice.

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elapsed 00:00
remaining -00:00
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Step 3

Adjust the In slider so the green line is about halfway up the meter when speaking.


If the level turns red, drag the slider down.

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elapsed 00:00
remaining -00:00
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Step 4

Before you record, review these steps:

  • Tap Record
  • Wait for the count‑in
  • Record both the question and answer
  • When you’re finished, tap Play to stop recording

Step 5

Follow the previous step and record your interview.

Step 6

Tap Tracks to view your recording.


Tracks view lets you see every recording that you add to a project as a rectangular block. This block is called a region.

Step 7

Tap Play to hear what you just recorded.

Step 8

When you’re done listening to your recording, tap Stop.

Step 9

Tap Go to Beginning in the control bar.


If you didn’t get the perfect recording, you can always tap Undo and record again.

Edit your interview.

Duplicating tracks and splitting recordings are essential editing skills.

Step 1

Tap the microphone icon in the track header to select the track.

Step 2

From the menu that appears, tap Duplicate.


You now have a duplicate track with the same settings as the original.

Step 3

Tap Play to listen to the question and answer.

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elapsed 00:00
remaining -00:00
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Step 4

Tap Stop and move the playhead right after the end of the question.

Step 5

Tap the region to select it.

Step 6

Tap the region again.

Step 7

From the menu that appears, tap Split.

  • English
elapsed 00:00
remaining -00:00
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Step 8

Drag the Split marker (the scissors) down. This will split the region into two separate regions.

  • English
elapsed 00:00
remaining -00:00
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Step 9

Drag the newly split second region down to track 2. You now have two tracks, one for the question and a second one for the answer.


If your recording has multiple responses, use this same technique to split each one.