Learn to Program Using SwiftUI to Build Apps - A Zero to Full Stack University Course

All "flipped class" videos for my Boston College course designed to take students who haven't taken a collegiate programming course from zero through full stack app building are in the playlist at:


You'll also find this semester's exam solutions (showing exams builds & questions) as I solve them. Feel free to use the content in your own courses, or as an independent learner. Just let me know, as this keeps me motivated. Currently over 90 videos (nearly all under 30 mins), with more to come as I convert my old UIKit course to SwiftUI. Also - the current semester's in-class challenges & concept reviews are in the open Google Drive at gallaugher.com. I distribute the Keynotes w/o answers just before class, and send out the keynotes with solutions after each class.

Let me know what you think! Stay Swifty!

John - Boston College

PS And if you teach Physical Computing / Electronics + Engineering I teach a similar course with CircuitPython from CircuitPlayground through Arduino Nano RP2040 through Raspberry Pi. That starts at bit.ly/circuitpython-tutorials. Similar share in that folder on my website. Find many playlists on the channel: YouTube.com/profgallaugher. Do feel free to share! I look forward to learning from you, as well.

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