Hello Everyone -
As a doctoral student at The Florida State University, I wrote my dissertation on the topic of The Effects of Music Teacher Beliefs, Training, and Resources on Use of Technology. If you would like, you can download the complete document here: https://diginole.lib.fsu.edu/islandora/object/fsu:183123/datastream/PDF/view
[Please read (or skip) to the end for an affirmation of your innovation efforts.] 😁
Many dissertations end up with some very obvious results and mine is no different. There is nothing truly revolutionary here, but the power comes from the process. The results and recommendations of the study come from careful survey development and data analysis and may be used for further research and as a resource when seeking support from administrators or leaders when developing or enhancing instructional technology.
Recommendations from this study include:
- In order to effectively integrate educational technology into music instruction in the instrumental performance classroom, teachers must hold positive beliefs that the integration of such technology will assist them in achieving the educational goals they desire. Positive experiences with music technology including long-term professional development with follow-up technical support and observation of effective teaching with technology are necessary in order to develop positive beliefs in music technology, thus promoting use of music technology in the classroom.
- In order to effectively integrate educational technology into music instruction in the instrumental performance classroom, teachers must not only understand how the technology functions, but also appropriate methods for use of technology in the instructional setting. Therefore, an emphasis should be placed on professional development opportunities supporting not only function of hardware and software, but also pedagogy.
- Although it seems obvious, in order to effectively integrate educational technology into music instruction in the instrumental performance classroom, teachers and students must have access to reliable technology resources and technical support. Additionally, proximity of technology plays a major role in use of technology. It is more likely that technology within the classroom will be used in instruction as compared to use of a general computer lab in another location within the school.
- Schools of higher socioeconomic status have reported more access to music technology resources and more use of technology resources. Schools must seek alternative funding resources to introduce the use of music technology within the classroom. Corporate sponsorships and grants should be pursued to augment the instructional budget.
- Younger teachers were found to have, in general, more training than middle-age and older teachers. Therefore, in order to effectively integrate educational technology into music instruction in the instrumental performance classroom, current in-service teachers should frequently be provided with relevant and effective professional development opportunities to remain current with developments in the field.
This is an infographic that attempts to compile much of the data into a visual chart.
Here's the good [affirmation] stuff...
This dissertation was completed in 2012. However, the data and recommendations from the study fully support the work of Apple and us as Apple Teachers and Learning Coaches in that we continually strive to provide resources and support for our colleagues in function and in pedagogy. Those of us fortunate to be 1-to-1 institutions have these devices at our fingertips each day, eliminating the need to travel down the hall to a computer lab. Although I am not an expert in this area, schools are continually finding alternate resources to provide students with iPads through grants and corporate sponsorships.
All this being said, do know that your/our work matters! Because of your efforts to bring these powerful resources and activities into your/our classrooms, students are experiencing success, cultivating their creativity, and applying their knowledge in ways that would not have been possible before. Colleagues are experiencing success and are becoming more innovative in their teaching methods.
Congratulations and thank you to all who participate in this community! 🥳 I hope that this resource is helpful when seeking support!
Best wishes on your journey! Please let me know how I can support you as we journey together.
April 18, 2023
Awesome work Donald! Thank you for sharing, I’ve read the abstract so far and you found some interesting results. Looking forward to reading through the rest.
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