Accessibility Resources

Apple’s Accessibility Website

Showcases all the different accessibility features in Apple products and shows how they can be leveraged.

The Greatest Video

Audio Described -

Apple Support Accessibility Playlists 

Short tutorials (two-four minutes) that demonstrate each of these features are available in the Apple Support Accessibility Playlist on YouTube.

Contact Apple for Accessibility Support

We have support teams that are dedicated to accessibility. For more details, including the phone number for your region, please check out this page. 

Accessibility Assistant

In the native Shortcuts App on iPhone, iPad and Mac, use the “Accessibility Assistant” showcased in the “Shortcuts for Accessibility” gallery. This shortcut creates a summary of accessibility features and resources by asking questions about a person's needs. It then populates a Notes document with all the features and support pages on how to use them. The ultimate guide to accessibility features for iPhone, iPad, Mac and Apple Watch. 

How to Use Accessibility Assistant Shortcut: (Video: 1:10 runtime)

How to use the Mac Accessibility Assistant shortcut | Apple Support (Video: 1:21)

Get the Shortcuts here: 

 iPhone & iPad Accessibility Assistant 
Apple Watch Accessibility Assistant
 Mac Accessibility Assistant

Apple SignTime

SignTime is a service that connects users with on-demand sign language interpreters. This enables you to communicate with Apple Support using sign language. 

SignTime sessions are available in the following regions: 

  • United States and Canada using American Sign Language (ASL)
  • UK using British Sign Language (BSL)
  • Australia using Auslan
  • Japan using Japanese Sign Language (JSL)
  • France using French Sign Language (LSF)
  • Spain using Lengua de Signos Español (LSE)
  • Italy using Lingua dei Segni Italiana (LIS)
  • Germany using Deutsche Gebärdensprache (DGS)
  • South Korea using Korean Sign Language (KSL)


The World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates that 1.3 billion people experience significant disability. This represents 16 percent of the world's population, or 1 in 6 of us.

In Australia in 2022, 911,131 school students received an educational adjustment due to disability, this represents 22.5% of total enrolments, up from 18.0% in 2015.

Among school students who received an educational adjustment due to disability, 54.9% of adjustments were provided to students with cognitive disability, 32.0% to students with social-emotional disability, 10.2% for students with physical disability and 2.9% for sensory disability.

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