Acceleration due to gravity - Freefall method in Irish - Luasghéarú de bharr Imtharraingte ‘g’ a thomas trí shaortitim

Luasghéarú de bharr Imtharraingte ‘g’ a thomas trí shaortitim

Acceleration due to gravity - freefall method


1 reply

February 24, 2024

I am a physics teacher and I LOVE this! I wonder if you have your students use this as a lab doc, or just to present information. Because of your post, I am now thinking about how I could have students use animated gifs to show objects falling, and use keynote to show their collected data.

I exported your slides #5-10 to "animated gif" to show you an example of what I mean. HERE is how to make stop motion using keynote.

Thanks for sharing! #ADEPhysics #iteachphysics


Tha mi nam thidsear fiosaig agus tha mi dèidheil air seo! Saoil a bheil na h-oileanaich agad a’ cleachdadh seo mar doc lab, neo dìreach airson fiosrachadh a thaisbeanadh. Air sgàth na dreuchd agad, tha mi a-nis a’ smaoineachadh ciamar a dh’ fhaodadh oileanaich gifs beòthail a chleachdadh gus nithean a tha a’ tuiteam a shealltainn, agus prìomh òraid a chleachdadh gus an dàta cruinnichte aca a nochdadh.

Chuir mi a-mach na sleamhnagan agad #5-10 gu “gif beòthail” gus eisimpleir a shealltainn dhut de na tha mi a’ ciallachadh. Cuideachd rinn mi ceangal mar a nì thu stad air gluasad a’ cleachdadh prìomh òraid.

Tapadh leibh airson a bhith a’ roinneadh!


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