Inspired by the excitement of "The Masked Singer," our school presents "The Masked Reader"! In this engaging activity, teachers become mysterious masked readers, hiding their identities behind animated Memojis using the Clips app on their iPads or iPhones. Students will have the thrilling task of guessing which teacher is behind the mask as they listen to them read excerpts from their favorite books or recite captivating poems.
The primary objective of "The Masked Reader" is to foster a love for reading and literature while adding an element of fun and mystery to the learning environment. By guessing the masked reader's identity, students engage actively with the texts presented, enhancing their comprehension and critical thinking skills. #DPtech
- Encourages active listening and critical thinking skills.
- Fosters a positive attitude towards reading and literature.
- Promotes teacher-student interaction and collaboration in a fun setting.
- Builds a sense of excitement and community within the classroom.
The teachers in the videos are reading excerpts from the following books, "Pokko and the Drum" by Matthew Forsythe, "The Old Black Fly" by Jim Aylesworth, "There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed a Clover" by Lucille Colandro, and "Los Animales en la Primavera" by Jenny Fretland VanVoorst.
March 01, 2024
Absolutely love this idea!
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