Free AI tools to assist with inclusion + special education

Hi team,

I'm Craig, I'm an Apple Distinguished Educator from Australia who predominantly works with autistic students. I've updated a resource recently that has been used to support inclusive education around the world during the past year: it is a set of AI tools that can be easily accessed from my website without any logging in / accounts, all completely free, for teachers and families everywhere. 

Words say 'AI Tools for Inclusive Schools'.
The web address is:

The nine tools are -

  1. Student Interests: generate ideas as to how to utilise the strengths and interests of your students in the class curriculum.
  2. Assignments: this tool will structure any assignment you're planning on giving to students in an explicit way that will support executive functioning needs.
  3. Universal Design: tell the tool what you are teaching and any student needs or accessibility requirements you have and you will receive individualised guidance across the three core areas of Universal Design for Learning.
  4. Visual Teaching: generate ideas as to how to visualise content for students who value having concrete representations of the concepts they're learning about.
  5. Differentiation: this tool will help provide differentiated assessment outcomes for any topic and year level you provide.
  6. Explain to Me: any topic you're wanting to explain to a student will be written and explained according to the academic age you set for the student.
  7. Social Scripts: social skills will be explained through a simple narrative to help prepare students for targeted social situations.
  8. Task Analysis: any skill or task you're wanting a student to master will be broken down into simple parts so you can backwards-chain the steps involved.
  9. Spoon Theory: a planning tool to help students (and teachers) think about how to plan and conserve their mental and physical energy across the day.

I hope these tools are useful for you or other educators or families you work with. If you have any feedback on how I can improve these tools, please let me know and I'll bake them into future updates.

Thanks everyone,



Update: I will be running two exclusive free webinars on the 15th May 2024 on how to use AI in inclusive education.

I’ll be discussing how AI works, how the tools on this website work, and I’ll be sharing further useful tools for both students and educators, as well as showing you how to create your own unique AI solutions.

These webinars will be at the following times:

15th May, 12pm - 1pm AEST

15th May, 6pm - 7pm AEST

Click on the above times to learn more and register.

Even if you can’t attend at one of these times, if you register I will send you a recording of the webinar afterwards.

All attendees can interact and ask questions of me during the webinars, and will receive an attendence certificate.

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