Final Exam for SwiftUI Course

SwiftUI Instructors & Learners. The exam for the "Zero to Full Stack" course that I teach at Boston College had students build two apps during class, live, on laptops, in a 2.5 hr. session: "Schmutzli's Naughty List" (focused on SwiftData) and "Admiral Grace's CatFacts" (API calls & JSON parsing). Those interested can find the solutions videos (much more rapidly covered than my conventional lessons) in the URLs below. and

For those just finding my resources: over 100 high-quality "flipped class" lessons are at I teach every semester & am constantly refreshing lessons (this past semester, Ch. 5 (SwiftData) and Ch. 6 (API Access with JSON parsing), plus Ch. 8 (still in progress - Firebase Cloud Integration) were all updated. More to come. Hack on & do share with students/colleagues. If you use my content, I'm happy to send you some stickers for your students - just DM me. Im easy to find online :)


Video Thumbnail for Schmutzli's Naughty List


Video Thumbnail for Admiral Grace's Cat Facts

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