Ask An Apple Teacher Table!

Often when I present on technology at conferences, at the end of the presentation during "question time," I end up getting tons of unrelated question is that people have been wondering about (or sometimes just a "how did you do that?") in their own classrooms. This year I thought it would be nice to have an "Ask an Apple Teacher" table so that teachers could swing by and ask any technology questions they had.

In January 2020, I was happy to host and "Ask an Apple Teacher" table at the Western Wisconsin Education Conference, held at Central High School in La Crosse, Wisconsin.

It was fun to hear from teachers about questions they have regarding integration, and we got questions about the Apple Teacher program, as well as our favorite apps/tips. I had a great time and hope that next year we can turn this into a conference session, set up more as an "unconference" so that teachers could come, ask questions, and learn from each other. Maybe even a panel of Apple Teachers to help answer questions!

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