I am an Intervention Specialist at John Marshall School of Information Technology teaching in a Low Incidence classroom setting. I was able to work with Jim Harmon, Professional Learning Specialist who provided myself along with my students the opportunity to use Screen Recording in the classroom to work on fractions. The students solved a problem and recorded the lesson to not only hear themselves but allowed other students to hear their teaching method. I used to think that my students needed hands on activities with manimpualtives however in this day and age the kids have grown up using computers and iPads and this method allows them to be engaged with something they are quite familiar with.
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Using Screen Recording to show learning
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Create Screen Recordings for Back-to-School Learning
March 30, 2023
Fantastic you got to work with Jim Harmon!
What a great learning technique for students to “teach the class” or share how they learned via their screen recordings. I found that when any of us share or teach, our brains hold on to that learning. Thanks for the share!
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