#WATechTalk - Share, Share, Share

As part of developing capacity for sharing and building platforms and places for collaborating with others, the #WATechTalk hashtag was born.

During COVID, I attended the online Apple Festival of Learning and noted a couple of other Western Australian educators also attending. We had missed out on face-to-face learning for such a long time that I wanted to make real connections across sectors in the hope of building state-wide connectivity through Twitter and beginning to build some in-person events where eager teachers could share their ‘One Best Thing’.

I was fortunate enough to connect with Michelle LLoyd and Matthew Wright from local schools also using iPads for learning in their classrooms/schools. We met to exchange ideas and began to throw our ideas together to develop a format for in-person sessions.

Our first #WATechTalk event took place at Scotch College and consisted of three presenters from each of the three schools involved. Each presenter had a three minute window to share their one best thing from their implementation using iPads in the classroom. The event was a great success and inspired sharing and collaboration across schools as well as inspiring the next set of presenters to volunteer to share at the next event.

We are working to continue to promote the #WATechTalk hashtag and would love for educators to use this in the Apple Learning Forum as well as through Twitter and other social media.


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