Growth Mindset

"When are you switching to an iPhone?" is a question I have been asked regularly. My response always was the same "Never, I still miss my blackberry!". Well, imagine my reaction when I found out that my new job only utilizes Apple products, as I was handed a Mac computer and an iPad. As I sat in the technology office, trying to soak up every little instruction I was given, I told my new colleagues to be prepared as they would be seeing a lot of me.

Initially, I managed the laptop but my relationship with the iPad started quite rocky. It became an ongoing joke that the iPad and I were on a break. Therefore, the moment I was offered an apple coaching, I jumped at the opportunity to learn. I must say that it was an empowering learning moment both personally and professionally. I enjoyed learning about all of the new platforms that I can easily access to support my job. Most importantly, I must say that I am excited about the learning community that I have access to to support me as a lifelong learner.

Lastly, the iPad and I are no longer on a break!

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