Students as Tech Pioneers

The second '1001 Dents' podcast episode dropped this week. The topic - 'Students as Tech Pioneers' - is such an interesting theme. For technology to transform learning in a community, many stakeholders pioneer thousands of small changes. Harnessing the skills and expertise of the students themselves is a powerful catalyst in this process.


1001 Dents podcast flyer with headshot photos of Matt Warne and James Tilden, and episode title, Students as Tech Pioneers.

Computing and technology teacher at RGS The Grange in Worcester, Matt Warne, provides great insights into the vision and mechanics of how students function as digital leaders at school, benefitting the whole learning community and culture.

The second half of this episode features James Tilden from Greenside Primary in London. He explains how the creation of a school podcast gives students opportunities to elevate their creativity and extend their voices.

It is inspiring to hear stories of learners and teachers pioneering together. Lots of replicable principles and tactics to tweak and use in our own environments.

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