Pop Art Passion Project

What are you passionate about?

A creative opportunity for people of any age, this adaptation of the Pop Art activity allows the artist to share their passion through photography, drawing, and music (optional). The project can be completed fully as a Pop Art activity and can be imported into Clips to create a slow reveal video. Here are a few steps to bring the still Pop Art project to life in Clips.

  1. Select a photo as the centerpiece of the project.
  2. Follow the Pop Art activity instructions.
  3. Add text to the image: "__________ is my passion."
  4. Open Clips.
  5. Insert the Pop Art activity image from Photos.
  6. Tap Preview and Record.
  7. Pinch out to zoom in on the image so to highlight the person or item and hide the text.
  8. Slide the Record button up to lock in place.
  9. Pinch in to zoom in to reveal the image in its entirety.
  10. (Optional) Add a soundtrack.
  11. Export the Clips video and Save Video or Save to Files.

Celebrate World Creativity and Innovation Day and take a moment to share your passion!

#WCID #PopArtPassion

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