This week and last week my library partner and I worked to sort iPads by teacher and then put them in carts of 40 iPads each. It was a huge puzzle that we struggled with, but in our effort to make it easier on the teacher, we inadvertently made more work for us. Some members of our team had teachers bring their class lists and pick out their own iPads while we decided we would work off of rosters and do that for them. What we didn't know was how much movement (entry, withdraws, transfers) there would be on the class lists between when we ran them and the following week.
If you are in this process, learn from our mistake and get the teachers to come pick out their own. That way everything is based on the most up to date information and you won't have to do the work twice.
I hope this helps someone! Have a great day.
Attach up to 5 files which will be available for other members to download.