Why do teachers think Ed Tech is more work? They need to allow kids to be creative!!! Teachers need to let go!!
I agree with Holly's comment that some educators are afraid to give up that control. We as educators need to change our mindset so that it is ok if we don't know everything, and it is ok if students know more than us in specific areas. And I think it is powerful for students if we give them that power to know more than us.
And as long as educators try to control all aspects of the Edtech learning process, students will be stifled in their creativity. We need to allow to students to use the tools that they deem necessary to demonstrate their learning.
August 27, 2022
I think a lot of teachers are afraid of the unknown, and afraid to give students the reins. The pressure to succeed, to “exceed expected growth”, to do all the things can be a lot. I think the more that administration gives the space and expectation for failure, teachers give themselves grace for trying new things, and students show the amazing things they can create through edtech, the more likely teacher are to dive in and use edtech to its fullest advantage.
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