Hi looking to meet others using SpriteKit Scenes in SwiftUI to make games with students.
Currently transitioning away from python to swift for students graduating from block coding and would love to share ideas with others making games in Playgrounds.
We make games in our classes like old Moon Patrol, Frogger, Trantor and such.
What are your students making?
September 21, 2022
There's a great app project in the Explorations book called BouncyBall. Students learn about drawing shapes, using animations, and scene physics. Not exactly SpriteKit, but a step in that direction. There's lots of other lab simulations as well in the playgrounds files, such as BoogieBot and Simulations. I like for students to look at the supporting files to see how the API was built and what changes they can make.
For more SwiftUI based content the Animating Shapes playground in Swift Playgrounds has a great walkthrough as well.
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