I have a wondering…

I started reading some of the Apple Books, such as Innovation in Schools, and had a few thoughts. At the end of each sections the book poses some powerful reflection questions. Thinking about our admin teams, building and district, what are some ways we could have them read and reflect with this book to help us move towards transformational learning?

The teams are overwhelmed, which will never change. We have stacks of new implementations happening over the next few years which makes reading this book one more thing. There is also a feeling that the students are already solid in their use of the digital tools as they have grown up with a screen in their hand. I feel the kids are tech aware but do not always have the understanding how to use them to deepen their understanding and learning.

Here is my wondering… would offering Apple Executive Coaching help deepen the understanding of how we could move towards transformational learning thought the use of our devices?

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