What are your iPad top tips for educators?
As part of the UK & Ireland Festival of Learning 2023, we are sharing and crowd-sourcing iPad top tips for educators. Reply below with your favourite iPad feature or iPad top tip for teaching and learning.
What are your iPad top tips for educators?
As part of the UK & Ireland Festival of Learning 2023, we are sharing and crowd-sourcing iPad top tips for educators. Reply below with your favourite iPad feature or iPad top tip for teaching and learning.
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Thanks, Cheryl. Great tip!
Since iOS 16, being able to swipe up from the bottom right to make a Quick Note that is context-aware (and suggests adding the URL from the browser of the page you’re taking notes on) is amazing - such a time saver and great to be able to revisit the site from the note, or the note from the site (it remembers this, too!) 😀
Agree - use this all the time. Such a time saver!
I love using AirDrop - during maths lessons the children used to use Notes to answer questions posed on the board. I could have sent them slides from the presentation, but this way, they can have any discussion notes we have made together as we go along. I now take a screen shot of the presentation there and then and AirDrop it to the children's iPads.
Before I started using AirDrop, children had to look at the board and then write down the answers. This meant that more confident learners were able to answer the questions fairly easily, whereas other learners would struggle.
AirDrop means that all learners' answers can be scaffolded, and they have prompts right at their fingertips - If I want to, I can send different learners different scaffolds, incorrect answers for them to correct, or pose more challenging problems.
Great tip, Stuart. Thanks for sharing!
When students receive or create a new document, rename the document immediately. It saves having to ask later who submitted "Presentation 37"
Great tip! Thank you!
My top tip is to use the camera capture images highlight the text and use the translate function, access a website or simply copy and paste a selection.
Live Text is the feature through the Camera app to isolate and take next steps with text - so useful. Try it on posters in the real world, or even on images you have saved with visible text 👍
Nice one. Thanks!
I really like the Focus feature and use this to customise my experience for different purposes. I have one for Work, one for Presenting, one for Personal and more. Being able to silence notifications from all or specific apps, allows me to keep the interruptions and cognitive load manageable when I am working / relaxing / presenting 😎
We use screen recording to Broadcast (screen share the whole device) into Teams meetings - this is a wonderful workaround if you don’t have an Apple TV connected to a large display, but can create a meeting and then share your screen to the meeting, for all to see. With our students also benefitting from a 1:1 deployment, it means that they can also join the meeting and see your share on their own device
Background remover in Keynote/Pages is a favourite in our class this term and really simple for kids of all ages and abilities. Like green screen without the screen or complicated apps
Yes Miriam! This has been a game changer for me.
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Collaboration features of the Forum are currently available in the following countries: Austria, Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Learn more
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April 25, 2023
Hi Peter!
Hope it’s okay if I jump in with my favorite feature here - Notes for researching and archiving - this educators best friend!
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