{[(What to do after they try to break the Keyboard)]}

Nya;wë!("I am thankful of you are well", in Seneca Language)

Hello Beloved Humans. Me here, learning HOW TO BE A... "HUMAN". What Humans we are if not Life Forms and some other things too?

Humans Rights are like... So: in this Journey, learning and teaching, understanding and explaining what did I understand about the perception field in the surroundings traveling Water Planet Earth, right and before "COVID" has been changing to a speed rate already leave me plus behind, lost. About our humans basic standards about what we are, why we are, how we are, what for are we, and some other interrogative dock on the Lost Land of... The Nothingness about the existence that became the daily life when are not anymore common grounds about the usual "common grounds" about something so obvious what now we need to talk about it: THE RIGHTS OF HUMANS OF BEEN ALIVE IN LATO SENSU RIGHT AFTER WHATEVER OTHER CONSIDERATION...

Please potential readers of this "Lost Post": How to explain the students that breaking the Keyboard will not teach nothing relative to communicate "something" to the Machine, but it is a Human Valid Communication Still they/we could to use for TALK about something? CONVERSATIONS!, that "thing" God created and just US, WE HUMANS/LIFE FORMS ALIVE, could to engage...

Why bring this issue to a place for learning about interaction of tech, language and education? Because when a Life Form it is desperate for finding answer about never before questions, Teachers on the surroundings areas looks like a Safe, Reliable, Smart place for talk about... HUMANS LIFE FORMS!

Thanks for you trying understanding, Me here trying to communicate...

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