MBA dissertation questionnaire and survey



I am MBA student studying at The University of Wales Trinity Saint David. I am in process of completing my dissertation and would like to request some questionnaires to be filled out in support of my dissertation, please for my MBA degree. My dissertation is regarding ‘The Digital impact of Transformational Leadership in eHRM: Overcoming Workforce Crisis in Apple, Microsoft & Google vs NHS. A Strategic review’. 

This is about how Apple and Microsoft and google can help NHS and other businesses overcome workforce crisis. I would like to seek consent from yourselves. If I have your consent, May I have the email address and contact number and name of the best person manager to contact please so that I can arrange a convenient day and time and distribute questionnaires accordingly. Please forward the relevant links to 25 employees and 1 manager accordingly as requested below.

This can be done via email: 

Employees: A mixture of 25 employees across hierarchy job roles to fill in the questionnaire.

And 1 interview of 5 questions with a manager. 

Manager: 1 manager to fill in the questionnaire.

The process can be negotiable and according to management convenience. Please call me to discuss further.

The process would not take too much of your time and hope to hear from you soon. I ensure you that any input that is strictly anonymous and confidential is for research purposes only. 


Kind regards


Manjinder Kaur, 

There are two links above for two questionnaires.

Many thanks

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