Share and collaborate.

Collaboration features enable multiple people to view, edit, and comment on the same document — all at the same time. You can invite others to collaborate on team projects to facilitate peer editing, or simply share a document to keep colleagues informed.

Apply it.

  • Create a collaborative class writing book. Have each student contribute one page that includes their story or poem, along with drawings and shapes.

  • Start a threaded group discussion by adding comments to the document. Share a document containing an article or video and invite comments, including embedded links to support other sides of the issue.

Go further.

You can use collaboration features to create a public document, such as a curated list of resource links, a document template, or notes that can be updated in real time. Simply set the Share Options to “Anyone with the link,” set permissions and a password (if desired), and share the link with anyone.

Learn more about inviting others to collaborate