
Capture a Shot

Create Editing Effects

Capture a Shot

The most basic and essential building block of moviemaking is the shot. But even a single shot has many elements to consider and decisions to be made.

Estimated time to complete this tutorial:

10 mins

Rehearse the action.

Before recording, go through the motions of what you want your subject to do in the scene, from beginning to end.

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Step 1

Have your subject clap their hands and then move completely out of the frame.

Step 2

Practice — or run through — the action a few times, from start to end.

Start capturing.

Now that you have everything in place, you’ll capture the one shot you’ll use to create a disappearing effect.

Step 1

Tap Record .

Step 2

Call “Action” to start the scene.

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Step 3

After your subject claps their hands and clears the frame, record for three more seconds.

Step 4

Tap Stop to quit recording.

Step 5

To review your first take, tap the thumbnail. It will play automatically.

Step 6

Capture two more takes to have some options.

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Try changing the action from clapping to snapping fingers or jumping.

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