Creating Forum Posts

It’s easy to get started with posting in the Forum. First, decide what type of post you want to create.


Discussions are for posting questions and getting answers. Start a discussion to ask a question or share a problem, and let Community members — including experts at Apple and other educators — help you out. Once your question is answered, you can mark your post as solved. This helps other Community members who have the same question.


Stories are where you can share your successes and inspiring ideas. Have a favorite project that went really well, a lesson or activity that students loved, or a reflection on how using Apple technology helped transform teaching and learning at your school? Share it as a story. Story posts can also be shared via social media. Remember to review the Community guidelines before sharing any images of students or student work.


Resources are practical tools — like templates or other ready-to-use documents — that you can share to get other educators started on a project, activity, or lesson idea. Put as much detail as you like in the body of the post, and attach downloadable files so other members can be inspired by your idea today and put your resource into action tomorrow.

Creating a Post

When you’re signed in as a Community member, you can start a post by tapping “Post” in the top-right corner of any Forum page and following these simple steps.

1. Select a post type.

Discussion, story, or resource.

2. Give your post a title.

Choose something that’s short and easy to understand so other members know at a glance what your post is all about.

3. Create the body of your post.

You can type text, edit and format it, insert content, and embed media — like images and videos — in the body of your post by using the toolbar below. If you’re including a video, you can use the Community Forum Video Poster Image Template attached below to help you create a still image that will display before the video is played.

Post creation dialog box with annotated toolbars

4. Attach a file.

This is optional. You can add up to five files for other members to download and use.

5. Choose a topic area.

Pick the topic that’s most relevant to your post. If you started your post while you were in a Forum area, your post will default to that area. You can choose to post it somewhere else by tapping “Change area.”

6. Add some tags.

If you enter keywords in the Tags field, your post will show up when members search for those terms.

7. Add a featured image and description.

The featured image and brief story description will appear when your post is shared on social media or highlighted in the Forum. The Community Forum Featured Image Template attached below will guide you through creating featured images.

8. Set your post language.

Please note that the Forum experience is currently available in English only.

9. Choose whether to allow comments on your resource.

If you’re creating a Resource post, you can choose whether other members can comment on it. Allowing comments lets your fellow educators share feedback and start collaborative conversations about your resource. It also lets you answer questions and share follow-up ideas. You can choose not to allow comments by unchecking the box.

10. Save a draft, or agree to the terms and publish your post.

If you’re not ready to publish your post, you can save it as a draft anytime and come back to it later. Just go to your profile and tap “Content” to see your drafts, which you can edit anytime before submitting.

11. Agree to the terms and publish your post.

Once your post is ready, check the box to confirm that you’ve read and agree to the legal terms, then hit the Post button. If your post contains media or attachments, it will go through content review. Note — content under review can’t be edited until it clears moderation, so save it as draft until you’re ready to publish.


When you’re creating a post, you can hover over the blue question mark icons with your mouse (or tap on them from an iPad or mobile device) to see more details and helpful information.

Editing/Deleting a Post

To edit or delete your post after it’s been published:

  • From within the post, tap the small carat-in-circle icon in the top-right corner to open the dropdown menu and choose “Edit.”
  • Or, go to your profile and tap “Content,” find the post, then tap the blue edit icon under “Actions.”

On the “Edit post” page, you can make changes and tap the Update post button to publish your edits, or tap the Delete button to remove the post — and any comments or replies — from the Forum.



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