I've been a general education teacher the last 7 years-4 years in first grade and 3 years in second grade. This year, I made the leap to Special Education. One thing that I learned in the general education world is that goal setting and data tracking are really important. As I grew in my skills as a teacher my capacity for adding more to my plate grew. I became passionate about tracking the progress of my students. Eventually I realized the data tracking would be a lot more powerful if my students were a part of the goal setting and data tracking process and if they could see the progress they were making. Once I developed a system for letting them see their progress, their ownership and investment in their learning skyrocketed.
As I made the leap to Special Education this year, I knew my data tracking needed to be organized, efficient, and I wanted my students to have ownership of their goals. I created this Keynote file that allows students to monthly track their interests, goal set, progress monitor, and reflect on their successes and areas of improvement. This way, students have a digital artifact at the end of the year that shows their growth, things they've learned, and allows them to see how their interests and passions have changed throughout the year.
Students have loved sharing this with their families and general education teachers. They look forward to our weekly progress monitoring and data work. This is something they've gotten really excited about and that the students have truly customized to be something in which they take great pride!
November 15, 2022
This is so creative and engaging for students! Thank you for sharing!!!
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