Learning with Keynote Series

Keynote makes it easy for teachers and students to create stunning presentations and creative projects with powerful tools and effects. With in-built themes, cinematic transitions, dynamic effects and, Apple-designed shapes, students can unleash their creativity and captivate their audience in exciting ways.

In the Forum posts linked below, Apple Professional Learning Specialists from across Australia and New Zealand show how Keynote can be used to design animated digital stories, create interactive student activities to deepen knowledge, and share student-created videos for real-world engagement.

Storytelling through Keynote Animation

Mandy Dempsey from Ōtautahi, Christchurch, New Zealand, creates an animation scene from a traditional Māori story.

Explore Mandy's post >

Enabling Real-World Engagement Using Video in Keynote

Phill Cristofaro from Melbourne, Victoria, creates a series of interactive TV ‘channels’ that link to a series of student-created videos.

Explore Phill's post >

Animating a Map for Explorer Journeys in Keynote

Shane McGurk from Perth, Western Australia, shows how students can demonstrate their knowledge of famous historical journeys using animations and shapes.

Explore Shane's post >

Supporting First Nations Languages with Simple Keynote Templates

Bev Babbage from Coffs Harbour, New South Wales, creates a template to engage students in literacy development – both in their First Nations language and in standard English – as an enhancement to a traditional flash card activity.

Explore Bev's post >

Developing Self-Assessment Quizzes with Keynote

Travis Poyner from Ballarat, Victoria shares how students can create their own self-quizzing tools for retrieval practice and to support knowledge retention. 

Explore Travis' post >

We hope these posts inspire new ways to think about using Keynote in the classroom.

Learn more about using Keynote for iPad>

Learn more about using Keynote for Mac >

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